November 28, 2011

Developers: Q1 2011

Right, right, Q1 is unofficially the worst time to release games with the exception of the dead summer months in Q2... which is precisely why developers should be capitalizing on the drought and garnering some momentum before it all starts over again around holiday season.

One would think this would be the perfect time for some new IP... a safe zone where monstrous blockbusters don't suffocate the market. Alas, these months will be as dead as the majority of enemies in video games. Still, it can't hurt to look at which developers might have a little momentum going into 2012.

Square Enix:

Square corners the JRPG market and have goliaths for franchises. Many of these franchises are coming due for a new installation, the frontrunner of course being FFXIII-2. Still, it's tough to maintain interest in a developer when one limits the genre as Square does, and some new IP would definitely prevent Square from slipping off the list as it is bound to do.

Market Domination- minimal. Square caters to one fanbase, albeit a large fanbase. They can easily be distracted by the multi-disc epics that the company is expected to put out, and variety will confuse and startle them. This causes Square to thrive in short bursts... like the 100 meter dash of developers.

Next Step- Expand their fanbase. Market to gamers not already playing their games. Innovate the standard gameplay of a Square game and generate some buzz in the industry.


 Ubisoft deserves your respect. They have a repertoire of decent franchises mainly because they aren't afraid to invest in new ideas. Assassin's Creed won't be due again for awhile, but Ghost Recon sure is ready for a new title. They also have a new arcade title coming out called I Am Alive. Maybe you saw the crazy-fantastic trailer? I predict Ubisoft has great things in it.

Market Domination- minimal. It's unfortunate Ubisoft doesn't make waves the way Bethesda or Valve do. For a behemoth of a company, they sure are the underdog when it comes to influence. Still, they do well enough for themselves... and their brand of releases make the company a survivalist in a fickle industry.

Next Step- Build the company name. UPlay attempts to put the company on people's mind, but they really need to get more involved with the fans. This company is bound for greater things, and they need to get everyone to know it.


The pioneer of the western RPG, everything they touch turns to gold. Mass Effect 3 and Old Republic are sure to be successes funding future "do-no-wrong" projects. The developer may be better represented by Dragon Age 2 rather than Mass Effect. History proves that Bioware knows how to write a story, they just might be a little stale at telling it.

Market Domination- Massive. Bioware makes blockbusters now. For the next few years their games will be bought by everyone who hears they are selling. The benefit of being able to "do-no-wrong".

Next Step- Stop making Knights of the Old Republic. Some developers care more about gameplay than story... Bioware is not one of them. Gameplay varies between the games but the story presentation does not and repeated looks bring attention to the chinks in the armor. No rush though. You won't see a loss and sales for the next decade... at least.

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