January 8, 2012

Review: Modern Warfare 3

The call of duty sounds for another year much to the exasperated outcry of all those Battlefield 3 fans. Still, MW3 was to be expected. I mean, when you didn't kill the bastard ultimately responsible for everything at the end of MW2... a red flag should have gone off in your head.

Speaking of that bastard... I have to admit that I was really sold on Makarov as a villain throughout the series. I equal parts hated and respected him, and his demeanor was unique but upheld true villain stigma. The same can be said about his voice. I was a little put off by his tendency to shoot me every time I opened up a glowing golden door, but he made up for it by setting up for quite a stunning final shot in the campaign.

But this isn't a love-letter to Makarov though (although I should definitely do one of those). As a game, MW3 splits itself into 3 different sections and those are the sections it can be judged by, starting with...

The Campaign

Yeah yeah... it's an adrenaline rush of guns and killing. From my judgement... this campaign was about two things: Preparing players for the multiplayer and setting up some amazing set pieces. I'm afraid MW2 really set this game up for failure on the whole set-piece thing. Cliffhanger and No Russian are two missions that will forever be burned into my memory as well as tons of other moments. MW3 tries... and I was fairly impressed with Turbulence and Mind the Gap... but everything just seemed the same ol' stale, token. Call of Duty. 

Special Ops

I'll make it very clear... had these been released as DLC, it would have been one of the greatest purchases in the entire interactive media dimension. But... you had to buy a whole new game to get these so... eh. The coop missions are fun and serve as a nice foil for the campaign, but you could just go replay MW2... As for assault, a horde mode has pretty much become standard in the shooting universe and you get no credit for it.


If you think there might be a theme developing then you're right. Like the other two sections, the multiplayer is solid but overdone. Tweaks have made it better, but you can't really justify getting this game for the multiplayer if you still have Black Ops.

2 of 4

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