December 15, 2011

A Few Hours In-- Fallout 3

Against my better judgement, here's part two of my third playthrough of Fallout 3--

After wandering around for Megaton a bit, I was confronted by multiple citizens desperately in need for some random wanderer by to show up and solve their problems for them. I wanted to lecture them on the dangers of taking their intimate personal problems to strangers especially in an environment as hostile and untrustworthy as the Capital Wasteland, but there wasn't a speech option for that. It was for the best I suppose... my character isn't really the lecturing type. So far she seems to be perky and agreeable with a habit of gruesomely murdering people if it fits into her own twisted logic (note: it usually does).

Regardless, Megaton wasn't really my scene so I thought I'd make a break for this Downtown D.C. place that the guy on the radio keeps going on about. This wasn't before strapping some device to Megaton's bomb some dude gave me in the bar. I asked him why he couldn't do it himself to which he responded: 

    "because I'm paying you to do it!"

I couldn't really argue with the logic, so I thanked him and set off. On my way to D.C. I came across a lone Enclave soldier. He appeared to be lost and he decided to ask me for some directions by shooting me repeatedly with a laser rifle. I punched him off a cliff and walked away puzzled as to why the Enclave were around already. Luckily, I found a hockey mask that went great with my spiked knuckles and jumpsuit to distract me. People really seem to respect the deranged look around here. It was around this time that I discovered a new fact about myself:

I am a gigantic racist.

I have punched every ghoul I've met, feral or not, in the face until exploded. I did also punched a kid in the face too though... so this may be less of a race thing and more of a punching thing. I put my fists away for that one and everyone let me go with a stern warning, so I assume that sort of thing happens all the time. It was around here that I heard Three Dog congratulating me and my father on getting the water purifier up and running. I was pretty sure that hadn't happened yet so I decided to stop by Galaxy News to correct him.

I finally met up with the Brotherhood of Steel who made fun of me all they way up to being attacked by a Super Mutant Behemoth. Being the awesome, sexy, great, unarmed specialist that I am; I ran up to him and punched him in the leg.

He then beat me into the ground with a fire hydrant.

Bright side, I'm level 7 w/ neutral karma.

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