August 15, 2012

Why I Came Back

Looks like I'm back to the blogging world... who knows for how long. The chief difference this time is I'm actually going to stick with my existing blog for some arbitrary reason.

Although I guess it is a fair question as to why I feel compelled to write up every piece of media that comes my way. It's not a normal human compulsion (as far as I am aware) and the only people I can imagine that share it are those of the critical mindset.

Speaking of which, how useless are critics? Not only do they not contribute to the arts or whatnot, but they actively attempt to throw stones at people who do. On the career totem-pole, that rates right down there with lobbyists.

I say this in jest. Critics became a necessary evil when enough television was released to fill the average human lifetime. Self discovery of media is primitive, it's what we did as children when we weren't aware that there were better things out there. We forced ourselves to like what we had because we didn't know that we deserved better! (This applies to dating as well)

Regardless, I am not a critic. To be a critic I would have to be interested in justly making standard time dedication recommendations AND I would have to have readers. Really the nonsense I dribble out here doesn't fit that standard, so what do I do it for?

Well why do we watch films? Why do we read books? Why do we waste our times in front of televisions or on the internet or staring at art in museums? I guess nihilism would say it's a time sink. It certainly isn't for the memory, as I probably remember 3% of everything I've ever watched well enough for it to be ever worth anything to me.

So I write it down. I write down nonsense to add a sense of permanence to what I waste my time on. I post it publicly in the misguided hope that someone somewhere could use it for something. The written word is always worth something whether it is right or wrong. Whether anyone reads it or not.

And I do understand the irony of writing about permanence on the internet.

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