April 11, 2012

More Fallout Canonocity

Thought this would be another one of those series that I do the first half of and never get around to finishing?

Oh how incorrectly you thought!

Why would I not do New Vegas? I just beat it where as Fallout 3 has been sitting dead in my brain for thousands of years. Anyways, strap in to figure who the Courier really wanted to bang (spoilers: it was everyone).

-The Courier helped House.
evidence: This one was tough, and integral to almost all of the other key plot points in the game... so I thought I'd just knock it out of the way. Caeser's Legion was clearly evil, and evil is never really canon in anything. Furthermore, the complete lack of Legion representation within the available companions further shuts the lid on that possibility (I suppose Raul had some nice things to say about them... but did that really count?). The NCR had me convinced up until they introduced Kimball, Oliver, and Moore. The introduction of the three absolute worst members of the faction at the very end of the game could only be meant to stir up mixed feelings deep within the Couriers chest cavity. The fact that every NPC in the game used the following format when talking about the faction didn't help: "Oh I love the NCR, but I really do have a problem with their suckiness". That leaves an independent New Vegas. While Yes Man is fantastic, you really miss out on some of the NCR's back story by going his route. House isn't really much of a character if you take that path either. Let's show a little loyalty to the man that shot down the missiles headed towards Vegas, am I right? Oh... I guess he saved your life too.

-Archimedes II wiped out the NCR at Helios.
evidence: Call it karma for what the NCR did to the Brotherhood of Steel early on. Honestly, too much mystery surrounds that site for Archimedes not to be activated. How could the Courier even manage to contain his curiosity? The Legion is pretty quick to move in after the NCR get "independence day'd" too... I'm not really sure if that is evidence of anything. Regardless, something like this was bound to happen with Fantastic at the helm.

-Dean died, Dog died, Christine died, Elijah locked himself in.
evidence: The Sierra Madre just has a habit of ruining people. Whether or not the "deadliness" of the resort was in Sinclair's original design, the hotel just found away to make people go dead. That was what Dead Money was all about right? Luckily, Sinclair's last move took Elijah with it... and Dog wasn't around to fix it this time.

-Joshua Graham is insane.
evidence: umm.. he survived a flaming descent into the Grand Canyon? How does one little battle with the Courier fix that?

-Forlorn Hope took back Nelson.
evidence: I dunno, Camp Forlorn Hope is probably the most tragic setting for the NCR. Restoring Hope is also probably the quest that hit me the most, emotion wise (Return to Sender too I guess). I find it hard to believe a non-Legion supporting Courier could let the death trap that is Forlorn Hope continue on as it is.

-Ulysses and the Divide remained utterly pointless.
evidence: There's no way Ulysses doesn't die. His half-baked, misguided spouting of philosophy was the antithesis of logic, and put the Courier through the hellish gauntlet that is "the lonesome road". When the Courier finally got there, he didn't take the time to try and talk Ulysses out of his insanity... he killed the piss out of him. And then he didn't launch the missiles anywhere... because how would that ever be a good idea?

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