January 30, 2012

Some Tiny Tower Updates

Developing this little fortress has really took off. 

For starters, I'm on my third elevator. Apparently guests were complaining about the wait time between getting in the elevator and getting to their floor. So, it was either make them faster or add a bathroom. I'd also like to comment on the major design oversight with the elevator is forcing the manager to manually operate it every single time somebody uses it.

Right, where was I? Out of 54 people, I've matched up 10 of them with their dream job. I have no idea why one dreamed of someday working in a frozen yogurt shop but yeah... I set that up.

Of the 30 floors, there are 11 apartments. I think I am going to have to stop at 100 floors simply because I don't think the building will be able to support beyond that. Thing is already a deathtrap... god forbid there's and earthquake.

Lastly, why do the floors get more expensive the higher they are? After awhile, you'd think height would play less of a factor wouldn't you? I guess it is murder when I make requests to move a floor down 10 levels... but the workers never seem to have much issue with it.

January 26, 2012


Yeah... I have work in approx. 6 hours and sleep to be gotten, but for some reason I am really compelled to break into this very complicated post at the moment so let's give it a go.

Description: Where I'm at and where I am going with ALL of my games!!! WOOO!!!

Fallout 3: 100% COMPLETE. All achievements, all DLC, all everything. I am however stuck in the middle of an awesome punching playthrough so I may not be able to ship this one off to storage just yet.

Fallout New Vegas: One-playthrough done. Gonna pick up Ultimate edition in February and knock out the DLC and achievements. 2-3 playthroughs approx. 70-100 hours (yikes).

Fable II: Beat it. Did most of the achievements and got credit for half of them... Dunno if I intend to pick up the DLC, I'm pretty bitter about the whole "no credit" business. Whatever, 1 more playthrough approx. 20 hours.

The Saboteur: Started it, didn't love it. I'll definitely probably beat it. approx. 10 hours.

Need For Speed The Run: 3 solid days of playing BLISS. My roommates hated my bliss and guilted me out of playing it for awhile. AWAIT the day I can finally start chipping away at it again. approx. sideways eight hours.

Gears of War: Beaten a few times. The multiplayer achievements are impossible at this point due to server status. Might wrap up the campaign ones with some friends. approx. 8 hours.

Gears of War 2: Have no idea how the servers are doing. Kinda wanna go for the multiplayer achievements but do NOT look forward to doing Seriously 2.0. Realistically ends up being like Gears 1. approx. 8 hours.

Gears of War 3: So much to do. So very much. Beaten this thing and played it for hours and not even close to finishing.I'll probably end this one in sad failure. approx. many hours.

Tales of Vesperia: Haven't even touched this one since I bought it a year ago. Someday... someday...

Red Dead Redemption: Same story as Vesperia.

The Orange Box: These achievements can piss off with their ridiculously low point values. Beaten all once and even played a little TF2. HL2 and Portal have been beaten at least three times each. Episodes One/Two merit a few more playthroughs. approx. 15 hours.


Split/Second: Got to see the fake sequel trailer at the end. I am determined to get a perfect season on this thing. I'm looking at you Airplane Graveyard elimination!!! approx. 15 hours based on personal ability.

Sonic Generations: kaay. I have a whole post dedicated to this one. I don't feel like linking it so go find it.

Halo 2: Beat it. Co-op and Solo. Can't remember what difficulty. Will end up replaying it when I get Halo Anniversary. approx. 8 hours.

Halo 3: Will beat the campaign again. Possibly 4 player coop. Might even struggle through the multiplayer achievements until I get frustrated and give up/ approx. 15 hours.

Halo Reach: Remains unfinished. I'll eventually try to attack it all at once. approx. buckets of hours.

Metal of Honor Airborne: heheh. Yeah, I stormed the Nazi's deathtower. Don't expect to pick this one up again.

The Force Unleashed: Ohhh. you tug at my heart. I will play the DLC and love it and get most of the achievements. Beaten once or twice. approx. 14 hours.

Fable: Untouched. You'll get played... I guess. approx. 8 hours.

Fable 3: I played you for a bit. I'll wrap you up sometime. Probably attempt a fair achievement run while I'm at it. approx. 20 hours.

Ultimate Alliance: I dunno. I think maybe you'll just be a party game or something. My dear sibling and I couldn't keep up and we had a whole lousy summer to do it! No achievement gets for you. I hear you're broken in that sense anyways.

Borderlands: eh... I bought all your DLC so I might as well finish you. approx. batshit insane hours.

Mass Effect: On my 3rd beat of one. Then my second of two. Then 1st of three? Wow. Projected play throughs to go... One: 2, Two: 3, Three: 5. approx. over 9000 hours.

Used up all my endurance for now. That covers about 3/4 of my Microsoft Box's games not counting the arcade titles. Then there's Wii and DS and PC and early generation consoles...

So I'll see you when I get around to those then.

January 14, 2012

Trailing: Umbrellas and Archaeology

While I definitely put more effort into looking for trailers this time, the last ones were so easy to pick that it may or may not be hard to live up to them. A few thoughts: Laura Croft makes me think we may have beaten the uncanny valley. Lots of zombies in 2012. Wouldn't RE5 have been way better if Umbrella was still around?

Tiny Tower Buyer's Report

Dear Mr. Gregor,
As per your request I have completed the report on the building you have recently purchased, ominously named the 'Impending Tower'.

The tower is 13 stories tall consisting of 1 lobby, 6 shops, 5 apartments, and 1 floor currently under construction (the contractors remained tight lipped on what exactly is being built on floor 13). There are 25 total residents, all of whom appear to know each other quite well despite the relatively short time living together (approx. 1-2 days). The tower maintains a constant stream of visitors including secret admirers, contest hosts, and high-profile celebrities. They seemingly enter the tower out of sheer confusion, take the elevator to a random floor and purchase whatever they find there.

Below you will find a floor by floor breakdown of the tower:

One- Lobby
Standard room noted eerily by the complete lack of people. Employment of doorman highly recommended.

Two- Pub
Lack of liquor license and incompetent staff does not seem to deter visitors. Most people are there for the nuts anyways.

Three- Laundromat
One might think it would be oversized and overstaffed, yet the constant inflow of dirty laundry wielding non-residents keep operations in equilibrium.

Four- Soda Brewery
Fairly certain workers are running an illegal operation here, as I cannot imagine they possess the permits to be running a brewery on the fourth floor of a skyscraper. Nevertheless, large revenues.

Five- Mini Golf
The space required for the course doesn't seem possible in a floor of this size. Large revenues.

Six- Barber Shop
Fairly reasonable relative to everything else that seems to be in this tower. Unreasonably large revenues.

Seven- Record Shop
Large revenues.

The remainder of the floors are all completely full apartments. All 25 renters pay their rent on time, relocate at owner's request, and fully staff every business within the tower regardless of aptitude or interest.

Verdict: Too good to be true. The massive income, endless expansion possibilities, and seemingly complete lack of need for management makes the sale of this building irrational. Why anyone would unload the building ever is an enigma. Something dark is at work here within this tower and I refuse continued involvement with the place post this report.

January 8, 2012

Review: Modern Warfare 3

The call of duty sounds for another year much to the exasperated outcry of all those Battlefield 3 fans. Still, MW3 was to be expected. I mean, when you didn't kill the bastard ultimately responsible for everything at the end of MW2... a red flag should have gone off in your head.

Speaking of that bastard... I have to admit that I was really sold on Makarov as a villain throughout the series. I equal parts hated and respected him, and his demeanor was unique but upheld true villain stigma. The same can be said about his voice. I was a little put off by his tendency to shoot me every time I opened up a glowing golden door, but he made up for it by setting up for quite a stunning final shot in the campaign.

But this isn't a love-letter to Makarov though (although I should definitely do one of those). As a game, MW3 splits itself into 3 different sections and those are the sections it can be judged by, starting with...

The Campaign

Yeah yeah... it's an adrenaline rush of guns and killing. From my judgement... this campaign was about two things: Preparing players for the multiplayer and setting up some amazing set pieces. I'm afraid MW2 really set this game up for failure on the whole set-piece thing. Cliffhanger and No Russian are two missions that will forever be burned into my memory as well as tons of other moments. MW3 tries... and I was fairly impressed with Turbulence and Mind the Gap... but everything just seemed the same ol' stale, token. Call of Duty. 

Special Ops

I'll make it very clear... had these been released as DLC, it would have been one of the greatest purchases in the entire interactive media dimension. But... you had to buy a whole new game to get these so... eh. The coop missions are fun and serve as a nice foil for the campaign, but you could just go replay MW2... As for assault, a horde mode has pretty much become standard in the shooting universe and you get no credit for it.


If you think there might be a theme developing then you're right. Like the other two sections, the multiplayer is solid but overdone. Tweaks have made it better, but you can't really justify getting this game for the multiplayer if you still have Black Ops.

2 of 4

Tiny Tower Dreams

Much like the denizens of my five-story tower, I have a vision. At the moment, I do not have the resources to get selective with the tenants, or color schemes, or types of shops that open up in my developing testament to urban progression. But when I do, prepare for some changes...

I someday hope to evict all the females from my towers due to their sheer inability to wear a tie. They will be welcomed back if they do put on a tie, but until then it is an estrogen-free zone. Naturally, all the men will have to wear ties. All the walls will be painted black... the carpets too. This is not too difficult to achieve as the entire tower will consist solely of apartments and paintball arenas. A 50/50 split right with apartments occupying the top half of the tower.

Actually, you can expect me to delete this game. It's like being tricked into playing Mafia Wars again.