November 15, 2011

First Impression: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box

3 hours in and already filled to the brim with mystery and puzzles. Considering the size of  Layton's hat, it's saying something. Yes, yes, calm down... I know I'm hilarious.

Not too much different gameplay wise going on here. Swap a mechanical dog for an out of shape hamster and a shredded painting for a broken camera and the game might as well take place in a curious village. Still, the brain teasers are always welcome (though I seem to be blowing through them due to my increased mental stamina from the first game) and the plot is still intriguing. I've always likened Layton more to a mystery novel than a game anyways.

We'll just have to see what the endgame holds for the traveling team of sleuths. Or I will anyways... this game is really old.

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